@Ueziel: I'd love to, but alas, I can't find it anywhere for a reasonable price... It's already $60 on Amazon.ca!
@Ueziel: I'd love to, but alas, I can't find it anywhere for a reasonable price... It's already $60 on Amazon.ca!
@Atsumi AKA Tiff: Where do you live? It's pretty easy to find online. It's a Greatest Hit now too, so it's dirt cheap!
I finished Ghost Trick yesterday, before going to bed. The revelation of Sissel's identity was appropriately surprising, and the ending was surprisingly sweet. I think it's the most memorable story I've ever experienced in a video game.
I've been listening to Diamond Rings non-stop ever since I saw the guy opening for Robyn, last thursday. So catchy!
@Thanatos: I hate to be that guy but... yeah :(
@Juan29.zapata: If it's any consolation, I still see the Beatles Rock Band limited edition bundle around. The one with the custom instruments. But that thing is hella expensive.
Damn, the whole London Calling album on Rock Band? Now I really wish I had gotten that game before it became impossible to find a bundle for the PS3... What's up with releasing RB3 without a full band bundle anyway? :(
@Hatebunny: I didn't play through Dark Cloud 2, but I got about halfway through and I have to say it's a very good game. They improved everything from the first game. Graphics, combat, story, gameplay variety... If you can find it for $20 or less it's worth a go.
@ddarkly: Adults play DS games too :)
@Flymonkey102: What? No, absolutely not. I want both of them. I bought all the MML2 avatars just so Sony would take a hint. I want to play those games on my PSP! :(
@legendnthemaking: Damn that game makes me so happy. I 100%'ed it some weeks ago, but I'm still keeping it. Even if I've done everything, I know I'll be coming back for more eventually.
@Ueziel: I think I'll be getting Muramasa, based on your impressions. I can get it for $24, shipping included on Amazon.ca. I don't think I'll find a lower Canadian price...
@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: Oh, so I can go back to Pulse after I beat the game? Did not know this, thanks!
@Mr.Wake: Really? Do you know why? That's weird. I have a Visa card for students and it works just fine.
I resumed my playthrough of FFXIII. I had just gotten to Gran Pulse but got distracted by other games. Just got the last Eidolon. It's getting pretty hard, I think I'll do some hunting missions when I get back to the overworld.
I downloaded and played the Japanese Catherine demo yesterday...
@Toshi: On Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri, I wake up at 5:45. On Wed... Well I only have one class and it's at 4 PM, so I can sleep as much as I want to =P
Do you guys know about Youtube user oldwhtman? He does wonderful covers of videogame songs on his acoustic guitars. He even gives the tabs. Give him a listen, the old guy's really great.
@TheRealDoshu: I'm not saying they'll cost less than their cartridge equivalent. It's just that sales on the PSN are a lot more frequent than sales on UMD games.
@Russell_Crowe86: Shatter is a lot of fun, I still play through it on a regular basis. And that music, man, that music!