@Amazing_Spiderham: Yes, exactly. And that's sadly one of the very few examples I can think of...
@Amazing_Spiderham: Yes, exactly. And that's sadly one of the very few examples I can think of...
@Kotaku Reject: "Atlus is a great choice for #1, saddly they were bought out and all thats left is there name"
@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: Yep, the album's pretty awesome, it's definitely in my 2010 top 10 :)
@Amazing_Spiderham: I want to see more games use licensed songs to accompany cutscenes or gameplay. Movies do it all the time, why can't we?
@Kotaku Reject: My favorite used to be Capcom, but their recent output has been hit-or-miss. Nowadays it's probably Atlus.
@Toshi: Costume Quest is a tad short for its price, but I thought the experience was well worth it. A simple turn-based RPG with kind of an Earthbound feel to it. Feel-good gameplay at its finest! It's 15 bucks, and I got around 6-7 hours out of it, got 100% trophies.
Whew, Steam sales are over! I'm done with buying games for January. Well, maybe Lost in Shadow tomorrow, depending on the reviews, but aside from that, I'm good!
Whoa, Lost in Shadow comes out on Tuesday?? Damn, I didn't know it was so soon. Really looking forward to it :)
@Ueziel: I haven't had any problems running any of them so far. And as far as resolution goes, I really couldn't care less. I'm actually surprised it even supports 1280x1024, most pre-2000 games I know only go to 1024x768.
Just got the Star Wars : Jedi Knight Collection for five bucks off Steam. Not much of a Star Wars fan, but I remember playing Jedi Knight II at a friend's house some years ago and thinking it was pretty fun :)
@PeterLorre: Anna Ternheim is wonderful! I saw her opening for Loney Dear and Asobi Seksu, last year in Montreal. I really wasn't expecting an opening act, but I was pleasantly surprised, she has great stage presence.
@excaliburps: I tried BC2 Vietnam yesterday with a friend, and I have to say that I'm not so sure it was a good purchase so far... Vehicles just seem really overpowered, and I've heard that the combat was supposed to be "more up-close and personal" but I've had people shoot me with a pistol from the other side of the…
@chrispylays: That's kind of really sad, actually. I like achievements and trophies, they can add some replay value to games I like, and encourage me to play them in ways I wouldn't otherwise, but they don't make the game in any way.
I saw Vanquish going for 30 bucks at my local Microplay, it's half-off until tomorrow... Should I?
@Fernando Jorge: I think that's a great idea and that some games should look into it, but it's definitely not something I'd see the whole industry moving into.
@Toshi: Yep, I resolve to go to at least one music show per month. I did it last year and it did wonders for my overall motivation in school and work, so I'm definitely doing it again.
I just started watching and there's a little dog in a pink bunny suit. I'm interested.
I just noticed something weird on Amazon...
@Silvernaut: YES
@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: Good list! My personal favorite show would probably be Shonen Knife at Cabaret du Mile End, that was a real fun show. The Peelies were opening too, cute girls from Montreal :3