
Your son should be playing in a professional academy within the next few years. The kids academies the same age as your son aren’t allowed play football in school with their mates incase they get injured. By 13 they are essentially pro players.

The ROI is about the same level as you.

Who can’t read French?

You are wrong about Belgium. Would you keep arguing? Your CO2 to fuel economy chart is wrong too. You can’t say that under all conditions these things hold true.

You said that the tax is on engine displacement. It’s not.

Derp, you wrong. EU taxes are based on CO2 emissions in most cases, all major markets at least.

So you should never compromise with the other side.

How though? It’s more a function of how few play tennis and I like tennis.

No it was of course entirely his fault. The cuban revolution was an independent communist revolution, MARX WAS RIGHT!!, the soviets deeply loved the Cuban revolution after the trouble they had imposing communism in eastern Europe. It mattered to them.

No it was of course entirely his fault. The cuban revolution was an independent communist revolution, MARX WAS RIGHT!!, the soviets deeply loved the Cuban revolution after the trouble they had imposing communism in eastern Europe. It mattered to them.

No it was of course entirely his fault. The cuban revolution was an independent communist revolution, MARX WAS RIGHT!!, the soviets deeply loved the Cuban revolution after the trouble they had imposing communism in eastern Europe. It mattered to them.

Who the fuck is Steve Nash? We aren’t talking about rednecks sports, Ronaldo is the most athletic guy in the biggest sport in the world. He’s a cunt but also an alien.

He is probably one of the best athletes in the entire world. He isn’t the best football player but around 6 billion people live in countries which take football seriously. The level you have to be at to a pro-football players is like nothing else on earth. I love rugby but the player pool might be 500 million,

It’s really not. Have you read any of the history of his white house. The Cuban missile crisis was entirely his fault. The Soviets were the reasonable ones.

The ability to stop Trump on other issues because moderate Republicans have centrist voting bases too and want to get re-elected.  

Why would they vote no when it has no effect?

You are the problem. You are a terrible person.

Well stop complaining then, bitch.

Fuck off you idiot. Germans are literally the least nationalist people on earth, they only started waving the flag in the last decade.

Kennedy being a war hero is a low bar to clear then. He was a terrible commander and it was mostly his own fault. He wasn’t a coward when it came to clearing up his own mess.