
So you don’t understand football then?

25 years for the worst cases and then regular parole hearings seems fair to me. Because some people can change. But equally life in prison if they don’t change seems fair too. Like Brevik is only in prison in Norway for something like 12 years before parole but he will die in prison.

Actually I would point out Dublin is more diverse than anywhere in the US. Large parts of Dublin have 40-70% foreign born. Nowhere in the US compare with that. America is full of Americans.

Yes America is bigger than Ireland. Well done.

That’s a distinction without a difference. The incidence of the tax is the same.

“ were not gainfully employed if your employer was not providing healthcare”

I did this on the tram on the way to college at 9.30 in the morning. Then bumped into an old friend from school. I couldn’t speak.

You can’t be this stupid. Are you actually comparing total figures now?

No, they speak Polish......

It’s a crisis cause by EU which somehow Europe yet again has to fix.

No our foreign born population is substantially higher than the US actually.

So the massive US took 75,000 only some of who are the results of your giant fuckup in the middle east and Germany took over a million and yet you want to lecture people.

Don’t be pathetic.

Nah they wouldn’t US companies do awful terrible things and medium sized penalties while foreign companies get fucked over. What Wells Fargo did was and is awful but no great pain will come of it for anyone.

Speak English motherfucker.

American justice is weird.

His charm was being brainless

His charm was being brainless 

His charm was being brainless 

Who would care if he was?