Yeah you seem to have too much invested in this. He seems reasonable
Yeah you seem to have too much invested in this. He seems reasonable
Rural areas are terrible for the environment. You use multiple times the resource of people who live in urban areas. You should probably be culled.
40k at least
It’s not though and everyone as patiently explained this. How do you think the RF generates revenue.
You do have a dog in this fight and you care little for facts.
There isn’t any evidence. They have high costs and no marginal effect on tourism revenue. If the RF was abolished crown estate would go to GGB in its entirety.
You don’t have any evidence or facts.
You shouting fact doesn’t make it true, without royals the UK would be better off.
I have some knowledge of economics with a shitty degree in it. You have no idea what you are talking about
The Royal family pays zero to treasury every year. The crown is the state not the royal family you fucking simpleton.
Facts a figures don’t support your view. The royal family produces zero marginal revenue (tourist revenue at royal sites by far in France) and costs hundreds of millions.
great money, suck it up
My dream is the welfare babies get refused disability and end up homeless.
My dream is the welfare babies get refused disability and end up homeless.
My dream is the welfare babies get refused disability and end up homeless.
It really doesn’t. You’ve a hardon for your betters which is fine but don’t lie.
Brand Britain isn’t bloody exploitation, shooting people and genocide with a healthy sprinkle of xenophobia?
I’ll volunteer to dash George against a rock. Fucking royalist wankers man.
Crown estate does not belong to the royal family. Also not a major source of revenue.
No it doesn’t. France makes far more from tourism of royal sites.