Are you upset every time a multi-billion dollar corporation is asked to do due diligence, or just this time? Heaven forbid the super serious world of 2nd rate fps tourneys be disrupted. THEY OUTTA HANG FOR THIS!!!
Are you upset every time a multi-billion dollar corporation is asked to do due diligence, or just this time? Heaven forbid the super serious world of 2nd rate fps tourneys be disrupted. THEY OUTTA HANG FOR THIS!!!
This reminds me of something I’d say when I was like, 15 years old. I was an idiot back then.
Most of you guys call this hacker a loser but honestly it’s EA and RESPAWN that are the losers. Cmon, how can you people not realize this? EA and Respawn release half assed games just like Activision/Blizzard, Infinityward and Sledgehammer release half assed COD and don’t give a shit about their Gaming community. So…
Never heard of this game but looks interesting and I’m here for more people that look like me having a voice in an art form that I begrudgingly love. Especially when they use their voice to speak out and not just think because they’re one of the chosen that everything’s fixed
Yeah, I’m torn. Part is obviously “Why you gotta fuck with shit?” But at the same time, this is basically the least harmful way for the exploits to have gotten used and publicly known.
You think graphics are the only standard by which awards are handed out for games? How old are you?
Exactly. They brought this on themselves, and are lucky it was as mild as it was.
What’s the excuse for not having a legitimate bounty system, especially for a live service?
Presumably an alternate method to get rid of your spouse?
“One of the company’s games is literally a ripoff of Fall Guys”
Did they play several games of Monopoly as research or something?
You. Can. Drink. Mayonnaise.
Not a bad take but this specific game series is heavily stagnated and is almost identical every yearly release except for the updated player roster. I support the argument for game preservation but this one is a bad example for it.
Looks like I’ll be heading back to Stardew Valley to roll another farmer and start from scratch, yet again... Love this game, love the support the developer has shown it over the years. Can’t wait!
Making new heroes free is a good change, but locking new heroes behind a paywall should have never been implemented to begin with.
Other posters have mentioned it obliquely, but OW2 is just Overwatch with worse design. It shouldn’t have ever been considered a separate game in the first place, and most of the changes were poorly conceived.
you know what, no. One of the worst things about old pop culture is how little we keep of the mediocre stuff, when that mediocre stuff is very important to understand the culture. For example, how difficult is to find certain sport video games compared to rpgs or adventures.
spkrts games are one section of the market that I am 100% ok with them selling digital.only. the amount of plastic waste these discs generate is crazy.
The sad thing is that I’d actually sign up for Overwatch if there was single-player, offline content. League of Legends has been trying pretty hard to bring that universe to other kinds of players/viewers, and I appreciate that. Arcane and Ruined King have let me play around in that franchise. It’s strange, by…
As soon as they shut down OW1 and launched OW2 sans the PvE mode, the writing as been on the wall that it was never going to happen.