
While average life expectancy was fairly low in that era, that was mainly due to high mortality of young people (babies through fighting age). Higher-percentile life expectancy has been fairly constant since we started farming, it’s just that we’ve been able to shift a whole lot more people to the right side of the

It is mind boggling. Especially because I don’t think Cohen’s disguise is that great. His face looks fakey...don’t these people notice he’s wearing prosthetics when they’re standing right in front of him!!!???

How much do people owe that pretend to have read so they seem smart and cool?..... cuz there is a whole lot of those.

Remember the Meg Ryan movie of the same name? I wonder if they actually got it? Considering the theme of the movie, it’s very possible.

I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.

Oh, eventually the human race will die out, and this is as good a reason as any. Just look at what’s happening in Japan. No one is having sex — or babies.

Money, time and energy.

Yep, I said pretty much the same in another string. Unfortunately, people often do not follow the script we want them to. We are a complicated bunch, and there are huge fucking assholes/bad people everywhere, in every group. There are also good people in groups we demonize. If only life were like a movie script we

Sadly, we do not know who is desecrating the cemeteries either — could also be some punk-ass kids. There is no proof to your “Trump supporters are the ones causing all the hate crimes” statement, as much as we might wish that to be so. We also might with there had been no other false flag incidents, but that is also

I feel like the biggest problem is this presumption that being members of one community means we have all that much in common. We’re not our brothers’ keepers and we’re not responsible for each other, or necessarily going to act in the best interest of our community. We’ve gotta stop stereotyping and seeing people in

Sadly, again, we can’t choose the scripts we want for what is real life. We can’t pick and choose who commits a crime based on whom we WANT it to be.

Listen! It’s not racism, he just hates community centers.

Nice going, dipshit. Your intent may not have been to actually harm your own people, but guess what?? THEY WERE FUCKING HARMED BY YOUR TERRORISTIC ANTISEMITIC THREATS!

I’ve learned to temper my excitement over the potential outcomes of something like this. I remember in summer of 2015 thinking “he’ll be done after Iowa” and after the tapes leaked I thought that would be his downfall. I will patiently wait and see and hope for the best.

If this investigation doesn’t lead to trump being impeached, the little faith I have in our democracy will be completely dead.

Yawn call me when they have a smoking gun and can impeach him at this point it’s just bluster and smoke so if you’ll excuse me i’ll be busy concocting scenarios that get pence and Paul Ryan removed from office too.

Umm well... It’s not AIM but it’s still a relic. I’m embarrassed to say.

My original response was more than adequate to address the concerns in your original post, i.e. media coverage of suicide bombings in Damascus. This is evidenced by you trying to deflect my focus from Damascus to mosques being firebombed in the US, the terrorist attack in Quebec, and the American bombing of Aleppo in

I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”

My mom is 65 and she'd probably say, "well, that's some bullshit."
Supplements? Nope.
Constant aching/pain? Nope.
Ultra careful if what she eats? Nnnope.
She's still an attractive, healthy woman.