
Yep, I said pretty much the same in another string. Unfortunately, people often do not follow the script we want them to. We are a complicated bunch, and there are huge fucking assholes/bad people everywhere, in every group. There are also good people in groups we demonize. If only life were like a movie script we

Sadly, we do not know who is desecrating the cemeteries either — could also be some punk-ass kids. There is no proof to your “Trump supporters are the ones causing all the hate crimes” statement, as much as we might wish that to be so. We also might with there had been no other false flag incidents, but that is also

Sadly, again, we can’t choose the scripts we want for what is real life. We can’t pick and choose who commits a crime based on whom we WANT it to be.

I thought Todd seemed like a semi-creepy LA dude who never quite grew up or got over his eccentric childhood.

He was probably dating someone and got dumped. That’s what often happens when they come creeping back after months and months and months. Eight months? Yeah, he was seeing someone and got his lil’ heart broken, then checked out his phone for old dates to contact. Oldest move in the book.

Ha, ha — too bad George isn’t here to see this!

Desperation. Pure desperation.

Air popper, eh? Will there be butter, at least?

Remember when people were excited about the Jill Stein recount?

Yep. This is going to take time. Lots of time. Maybe even a full four-year term. Impeachment/hearings/removal — this is not a fast process. And this is also not even close to guaranteed to happen. At all. Ever.

Yes, yes and yes.

Oh, MEMES! Memes are so smart and witty!

You’re the one who thought the Kansas militia story was somehow obscure, but it’s been widely covered. What “people” are you hanging out with? People who don’t follow the news, I suppose.

She uses lines like “I genuinely can’t comprehend how insanely dumb so many Americans are” and “I honestly should know better than to un-grey morons like yourself,” then commands you not to assume she is stupid (even though she is saying some extremely thick-headed stuff).

You aren’t helping our cause by trying to compare these events to each other.

Wow, are your answers without any kind of substance.

Yes, Jessa didn’t show up for her abortion because she had a miscarriage while she was making out with a dude at a bar. (Or maybe she just got her period and hadn’t been pregnant after all — not sure this was made entirely clear.)

Again — what media are you following? Even Fox News has covered the Allen, Wright, Stein story. NOT obscure. Try harder.

Lol. You are a trip. Nothing like using the tired old “dumb Americans” line to sound super smart yourself. /S

You know, it is a tired trope, BUT — I have to admit that, as a 44-year-old woman who has never had kids, I feel like I’ve dodged the “fully growing up bullet” big time. In many ways, other than being in a better financial place and not going out nearly as much, I live a LOT like I did when I was in my 20s. Because I