Pop quiz: does the name “PlayOnline” make your blood boil, or at least cause one of your eyes to start twitching?…
Pop quiz: does the name “PlayOnline” make your blood boil, or at least cause one of your eyes to start twitching?…
Good lord! I heard about it, but I had no idea is that bad!
Also, keywords? God, I forgot about those. The early 2000’s were like the dark ages.
Possible Spoilers ahead, please do not continue if you aren’t prepared.
I’m a huge fan of nakige, or tear-jerking stuff.. Clannad, Kanon, Little Busters.. (to cut to the chase, anything by KEY). Anywho... I didn’t really enjoy this as much as I thought I would. It was so obvious throughout, that there really was no…
“a bomb threat from feminists.”
GamerGate is a hateful, moronic movement, and the idea of having a physical get-together for it hurts my brain, but fucking hell, this is not the way to react to it. Putting people at risk, wasting the police’s time and resources...
no, no it’s not. LGBT “mama idols” that function as walking punchlines are *not* exemplary of diversity and tolerance.
well ... it’s a bit older than what I thought ... much older in fact :-)
Yes, we’re talking about the same Kotaku, a news and opinion outlet like any other that will have successes and stumbles along the way. I agonize about stories all the time, some I wish we did better, some that we’ve had to run despite a lot of resistance from people involved who didn’t want us to tell a fair…
If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive…
While panelists can choose to not answer a question, the problem here is (as the GGers even admitted) their goal wasn’t to have a back and forth with the panel, but rather to disrupt it with a line of derailing questions. So choosing to not answer questions would’ve been used as fuel against the panel just as much as…
It’s funny how GG is trying to spin it as “different political opinions are banned!” or “Leftists kick girl gamers out! Misogyny!”
As there is still no air date, I have not included it in this guide. If this changes, I’ll add it in. But at this point, it is likely delayed.
I miss Sakaguchi. Hopefully he swallows his pride and breaks his moratorium on working with Sony so he can bring JRPGs back to where they belong, instead of being stuck developing utter garbage for mobile phones.
One of my fave ED this season, along with Fubuki and GENESIS.
All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.
Very good reason why I don't play this series anymore. The story is just out of control. Lost interest after 2 and couldn't even tell you what happened there. I never thought the gameplay was outstanding either. More cute than anything.