Iris in a Bottle

This is exactly why I was getting mad at gamers during this whole DDoS attack against Sony and Microsoft. Yes, it sucked to not play games online for a couple days, but for crying out loud, it's such a first-world problem. We complained about "our holidays" being ruined or messed up, but we had no problem not thinking

**Spoilers for Danganronpa: Another Episode to follow**

But... none of those other things have to do with Richard. The Arkham City thing is the closest thing to an actual mistake. The rest is just the site being the site.

Also there will be a special friendship speech. Special because they have 90+ minutes to fill.

**SPOILERS** from leaked script:

hopefully she is even half as fun as marie rose

Don't get all the hate.

How dare Harada include that gross weaboo shit in my s0oper srs fighting games. Who does he think he is? Tekken is not a place for stupid joke characters!

My friend, it is clear you have not seen this movie and are basing all your assumptions on the hyperbole of disappointed fans. So let's see if I can help you out a bit.

Narwhals, Narwhals, swimming in the ocean

Tetra Master>Triple Triad

That's not my Persona 3 Protagonist.

No kidding. It was my first video game romance; it stole my soul and I never asked for it back. The music, characters, narrative, locations, everything: flawless.

Can you imagine the entire Terra sequence on current-gen hardware? Memoria? Yes please.