
Very late repy, as I only just started watching this on Netflix. But just in case:

It's called "doo-wop" b/c that is what the background singers sing. So it's an onomatopoeia, not a reference to who is singing. Like the way it's called "scat", which is defo not a reference to the singing being shitty.

I've been using Roo(t)chine, a lot b/c is sound like how the Irish name "Roisin" (little Rose) is said.
Roisin Dubh (Little Black Rose) is a famous Irish political song dating back to the 16th century. Somehow it fits.

That'll learn me.

Of COURSE they made it up! It's fiction, no doi! YOU don't know their medical histories history either, and I don't think there has been any WOG on this.

Do we know Greer died? For sure he passed out, but IDK about died. It takes ~3min of oxygen deprivation to induce brain cell death. Once Finch got the door open, if Greer was still breathing at all, he was no longer suffocating.

Hey, it didn't ring true to you. I get it. But you keep saying that the whole thing wasn't even *possible*, much less plausible (to you) for $_Reasons. The thread is full of people forwarding analyses as to why they DID find it both possible and plausible. I merely addressed an assertion that is factually untrue.

Actually it's not a logical leap. Lung capacity diminishes with age regardless - about 30-35ml/yr of lost capacity starting after about age 35 for men. There is huge variability in lung capacity and resilience to a loss of O2 saturation across people, even at baseline without any mediating factors (the loss per year

Excellent comment.

I read that as a little more subtle than Finch threatening. It was *the Machine* who knew about the daughter/transplant/list issues. Ergo at least 3 things happened: 1. The new iteration of Root/Machine can now do if/then/elses which incorportate levels of collateral damage & leveraging that the previous version(s)

Cat's Cradle is a favorite at Teach Irish, and there was universal squeeing at "Ice 9".

Is there a reason that it is unpossible for Great Story Arc (I agree! Root is one of my all-time faves!) to exist in the exact same universe as Also, It's a Problem That Gay Women Characters Are Killed Off?

I am so sorry that this is what you are getting out of this conversation. I suggest that you re-read the actual, precise words that people are using; perhaps out loud to make sure you are not replacing their words, with what you believe is being said. Literally.

I am trying to figure out how exactly it is that you think that the problem here is that they "kill[ed] Root the same week a gay character on the CW [bit] it"?

Thank you for sharing that!

All I can say is, if you equate thoughtful treatment of your characters in the context of the culture that you actually inhabit with "hampering yourself", then you suffer from a dearth of imagination.

Whoa! There!
(@recognitions:disqus - just replying to you for thread nesting. Not at you)

Right. I'd guess that her route would be via the lowest tech, most bribeable, least Sam-able methods. South Africa —> Brazil (with her coloring too) then up through central america (where she'd have chips she could call in from former assets?) makes sense to me.

I'm with you. Cavizel does SO MUCH with his face, moving like, 2 muscles a half centimeter each… LURVE.

I think the point is that someday a kid will grow up and be able to be, oh, The President.