See it by yourself or with a friend? I hate going to movies alone most of the time, but occasionally if there's something I really want to see that my fiance doesn't, I go alone, which is what I'll likely be doing with this.
See it by yourself or with a friend? I hate going to movies alone most of the time, but occasionally if there's something I really want to see that my fiance doesn't, I go alone, which is what I'll likely be doing with this.
I put more RAM into my MBP while it was covered by applecare, and was still able to use applecare with no problems.
A house (dad bought, we're renting it from him) that we close on Thursday and move into Friday, and some gift cards. Fiance got Mass Effect 3 and Assassin's Creed 3.
I agree with you totally (actually replied to her on twitter as such). Love Actually is one of my favorite movies too.
I'm so sorry.
I kinda feel my cat would murder me in my sleep if I put this, or any other tiny hat, on him. Unfortunately.
That was a quote from the party attendee, not Jason himself.
Nah, the chick he was cheating on Sandra Bullock with was named Michelle something, has a swastika tattooed on her forehead I think (don't ask why I know this, my brain retains useless crap >_> )
No. She's the tattooed lady who the biker guy married after his marriage with Sandra Bullock was ruined by him and the other tattooed lady.
Yeah, I got that after I read the article mentioned in the question after somebody else mentioned it to me. But, y'know, thanks.
Yeah, sorry I didn't read the linked article about the murders, just the question asked and Drew's response.
I kinda took that to mean that there were 2 people murdered there at the same time, but now that I see your post, I guess it could go either way there. And yeah, I agree. One murder (even of 2 people) not a dealbreaker. Two murders, dealbreaker.
This was my question. I've never donated to any kickstarter projects, but I have a kindle, and therefore need an Amazon account, and I've had one for years previously. Do you have to sign up for a separate one for kickstarter?
This. My father is a hunter. He's always had guns, my brother and I were raised around them, as my nieces have been. However, he's also always had his guns locked up in a secure safe that we don't even have the combination to.
Thanks. It was hard, and took a few years, but I'm in a much better place now.
I'm still friends with most of my exes. The only one I'm not still friends with is the one who was abusive to me in every sense of the word.
Like Katy del Moxie says, let the doctor know about the receptionist. I've worked medical reception, and I'd never loudly (or ever, really) tell a patient flat out they needed to get insurance.
Not everyone celebrates Christmas.
I love that image. I used to work in a call center, and meer cat'ing was common there.