
Yeah, I'm the same way. I brush when I wake up in the morning, and occasionally after lunch, but there's no point to me in brushing before bed.

A poly crush, maybe?

Maybe it's because I grew up in north-east Florida (outside of Jacksonville) but honestly, most of the weddings I've gone to have been dry.

Lindy, I'm so sorry about your dad. I lost my mom, who was only 52, in May, to brain cancer she was predicted to recover 100% from. So yeah, fuck cancer.

No. My fiance and I live in a 473 sq foot apartment, and I hate that. I can't imagine living in anything smaller.

This is pretty much my opinion.

This drives me nuts. My fiance and I spent a day at the zoo when we were in Florida for thanksgiving, and we were followed around by this family who's children kept banging on the enclosures of all the habitats. Halfway through the day, I finally snapped and went off on the mother.

I think Tracie's kid is still a toddler, so she doesn't have to deal with pick-up and drop-off at school. I agree, that's a special hell all to itself, though. And I'm not even a parent, only a godparent.

They're worth it. Higher quality materials, and a warranty on most brands.

I'm allergic to movie theater popcorn. Or something in the seasoning the movie theater I worked at used. Once we figured that out, I wasn't allowed to work in the concession stands or even go into them longer than it took me to get a drink.

If not for the fact that my dad was in the Navy and stationed overseas, I likely wouldn't have ever flown on an airplane either.

I'm glad somebody else said this, so I didn't have to.

Kitchen staff, sure. But I've never worked in a place where the owner (which the article states the chef was) gets a portion of the tips, even if they were also part of the kitchen staff.

I actually developed an allergy to movie theater popcorn while working in a theater. Even being in the concession stand too long would cause my throat to close up a bit.

The only time I've had an issue with them is right after my mom died in May. My phone was in her name, and when my dad got everything transferred to his name, my account was closed and I was put on a family plan with dad, brother and sister-in-law. Took an hour and a half on the phone for me to get it straightened

The only way I can imagine that being even remotely comfortable is if it was one of the recumbent exercise bikes. Otherwise, yeah, ouch.

This is exactly what I was going to say.

What if the person asks for gift cards? I prefer my family gives me gift cards, because I don't live near them and don't want them to deal with shipping hassles.

Thanks for this. I figured long as I used some common sense (don't drag or slide the cookware along the top of the stove, don't slam it down onto the stove) it'd be fine.