
This is pretty much how it was the first time I got my hair cut short too. Except I was 16, and didn't discuss my haircut with my mother before I did it. I went out one day with waist-length hair, came home with it cut to my chin. Not only did my mother cry, she refused to speak to me for a week and a half.

Oh, I agree it's not worth a petition, but I also see where it could be an issue for some people. I also agree with your point about the DVDs.

Part of the problem is that "NickMom" starts at 10 pm eastern time. But that's 7 pm pacific time and 7 isn't an unreasonable time for a child to be up, or starting the bedtime routine, depending on the child.

800 Microsoft points on the xbox. I got it free cause i pre-ordered the game, though.

Yes, the mechromancer is separate from the other DLC and isn't available through the season pass.

You've probably tried this by now, but I had to actually restart my 360 to get Gaige to show up on my character select screen.

Not everyone who reads Gawker reads Jezebel. Not everyone who reads Jezebel reads Gawker. Me, I read both, and even then, I don't usually mind the cross-posting, because of the different opinions both of the editors and the commentators.

I just downloaded the DLC on xbox 360, and everything seems to be in order for me. Still have my badass rank, golden key and everything.

I preordered the game specifically to get her. As such, although I started playing the night I got it, I purposely didn't put too much time into it (I just finished the first story quest chain on my siren a few days ago) so I don't mind rerolling.

Honestly, I just feel like of all his works, it's the hardest to get into. Although I enjoyed it, and enjoy all his stuff, it was just slow to get into.

Yeah, American Gods is the last book of his I'd recommend to someone new to his work. In my opinion, Sandman is his best work, followed by his novel Neverwhere.

I'm not KaylieBee, but condoms always make me hurt too. It's not a latex allergy issue (lambskin and poly ones hurt too), it's not a lube issue, it's just uncomfortable.

I didn't even get the Stage 1 daggers on my rogue. (took a forced year long break, came back to the game about a month before MoP hit, no point in getting the daggers)

Y'know, Barbie isn't that bad, nor are the Disney Princesses. I played with barbies growing up and turned out fine. My nieces and godchildren play with barbies and disney princesses and are growing up fine. Your daughters playing with barbies is not the end of the world.

Yeah, I'm a 32DD and only wear underwires, and just like you, I've always just washed my bras like I do everything else, with no problems.

...yeah, me too.

I use iMessage all the time. My boyfriend doesn't have a phone at the moment, and can't use GTalk or Facebook chat while at work, but can use iMessage (Apple tech support), so that's how we talk while he's working.

Soo, are you saying the books don't really improve from the first one? I finished it, but it took forever and drug along mostly cause I didn't like the POV being the boy's.

I used to babysit for a family where the mother and daughter and father and son both had the exact same names.

You can save the Google Maps web app to your home screen.