
Triangular. How we've been building our horse carts since the damned English outlawed circles.

Thanks for the knowledgeable response, amigo. I don't often get to make jokes about Irish (or at least Irish-built) cars very often, so I take my shots where I can get them.

When it breaks in half while you're dragging it out of a lake. . . .

When working on your car requires monthly tetanus shots—

When there's a tree growing out of it.

Cracked block. Sayonara.

Aaah, DeLorean. . . .

#9— I have always wanted—and will always want— this car. Inclusion of this car and Stark's lust for it was one of the defining tone features of The Good Guys, a most excellent and unfortunately short-lived cop show.

Nice, Jstas! Enjoy you prize!

Probably I'd've choked on my beer. That's funny as hell!

Apologies, Verve. . .

Dude sounds like a Southern Adam Sandler.

Ooh. Another picture of a light. Toyota's marketing is getting too edgy and viral for me to handle.

Jeez, guys—if you're going to abuse supercars, could you at least do it to ones that deserve it? The color alone is reason these two ought to be bashed.

Plenty of idiot forums out there. I stopped looking when I landed at Jalopnik because of the quality and intelligence of the discussion here. You're one of the good ones, amigo.

Personal most hated made-up word: upcycle. I want to compost people who use it.

No. But when I mention whole grains, the middle-aged women in the group get all misty-eyed, like they're hypnotized. The men still beat me with the sticks.

The Stratos is a thing outside of time, space and reason, and is not restricted by the above constraint. If one can acquire a Stratos in any form, one must do so.

From that static shot on the video link, I was expecting far more mayhem.

Wow! Every time I get off my motorcycle, a crowd gathers around and someone throws a blanket over me, too!