Damn, that was awesome. Why the hell am I crying?
Damn, that was awesome. Why the hell am I crying?
Holy crap! Lakefront home for $74k!
Not just jobs—houses for under $40k!
Final List entries that didn't make it:
That's not a desk—it's a parts counter! A roll-away parts counter! With a TV for the parts guy to watch.
I've gotten my 9-year-old daughter hooked on the show and we just this weekend watched the Robin launch. She doesn't get most of the dry Brit humor, but has a keen appreciation for blatant absurdity, and the sound of her giggling is like a drug. Launching a Robin on a rocket just set her off.
There's a Nowegian Wood joke in there somewhere that I can't quite grab, damn it.
The best line Kevin Bacon ever delivered.
DOH! Wrong video in the first.
Well-said, that.
Considering how awesome the subject matter is, the video was a real bummer. Glad we got better stuff later.
I dunno, man. I don't get it at all. If this happened at a pub, the guy'd get his ass handed to him. The internet makes assholes bold and unassailable.
One of the greatest songs ever, and obscure enough that when you toss it into conversation a lot of people have no clue what you just said.