
I’m still mad about Cranston’s character being killed off. The son should have died and Cranston’s character, feeling guilt and remorse, travels home to try and save his estranged family. Instead we got a generic story. 

That scene bothers me more than any other in the entire movie. Despite giant mechs and interdimensional aliens and monsters, that is the scene where the movie loses me. The Jaeger is 250 feet tall while a typical oil tanker is over 900 feet long and around 260 feet wide. There’s no way the Jaeger could grab it, lift

This is the promise of automation though isn’t it? I mean, we’re failing, but this was the promise. Make technology that allows people to work less and enjoy life more. The problem though is that we are replacing jobs with no social or economic safety nets for those workers that are impacted. Ideally we would want

This is what happens when a company prioritizes foreign investors and stakeholders instead of its userbase. The content on Tumblr, the same as Imgur and Reddit, comes from users. Which is generated and hosted and moderated for free by the users. These are just image hosting sites with a social aspect to it. They think

If it’s not U.C. it’s not real Gundam. 

I can’t believe there is no mention of 2016's The Void. It is eldritch horror and takes place entirely in a hospital. 

I was going to type something similar. Maybe I’m too old now (I’m 33), but this isn’t fun or cool to me anymore. It comes across as edge lord shit. Just isn’t for me anymore. If you’re into this, then cool, go right ahead, but this type of stuff is just gross for me now. 

They want a bachelor’s degree to kill rats?

You just described every Marvel movie. 

Considering that we’re getting Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Loki just ended with a pretty big consequence, I don’t see the events of No Way Home being an illusion. More likely that this is the consequence of the Sacred Timeline fracturing. Where this event may have caused the TVA to reset the

Is anyone surprised that he’d be in this? No Way Home and The Multiverse of Madness seemed connected to me. Also, with what happens in Loki, I wouldn’t be surprised if his spell goes wrong because he does it at the wrong (or right?) time. It’s just a coincidence that Peter was yapping away. Also, the name “The

Droids would be the same reason. Money. Why build the plants to build the droid army when, again, you have an endless supply of people who already exist that you can use in your army. Plus, moving back to Droids would be a PR nightmare.

I took it to mean that Omega is their older sister. Which makes sense. She doesn’t have rapid aging like they do, so she could have been a 5 year old watching them in the tubes. 

Peacemaker's final fight is with Bloodsport, not Flag. He is shot in the neck and presumed dead. 

Blaming the left for an increase in crime. Typical. You know how you curb crime? Social safety nets and education. Higher pay for employees so they don’t need a second, third, or fourth job. Arresting more people doesn’t fix the problem. 

Since you removed it last time, I’ll say it again. You and your entire family sound like assholes. 

You and your family sound like assholes. 

I’m sure they were well compensated for their time and their effort, given these trying circumstances, and paid for a full days work. /s 

Restock with what? All of the food is gone.