yeah me too!
You can’t but this is pure french 70s chic and elegance.... so maybe you put up with that...
Real Madrid is going to trade him at the end of this season, as The Pharaoh aka Florentino Perez, president of the club wants a keeper with more cache and is bringing David de Gea from Man UTD and Hazard from Chelsea who plays in the same position as CR7....
Apparently there are some key components that if you change them you can run this car everyday.
There is a company in LA called SM world, they not only restore cars but re engineer parts to make them more reliable.
Maybe it’s exaggerating but I feel the Warriors reinvented the game a bit. As far as I can remember the goal was to get close to basket and score but now getting close is a consolation because we’ll shoot half court all day... That in my mind ill switch how everyone plays the game and the type of players the NBA will…
Your worst video by far I was hoping something interesting would happen but nooooo.
I liked Fast 5 otherwise you are right
can i ask a question in spanish ?
Nobody knows how gravity works anyone who says they do is either the greatest scientist in the history of mankind or an idiot so CVK bringing new ideas is a sign of how smart he really is and how much imagination he has.
They rush to launch the car because they couldn’t have more delays without their company being called into question so they adapted something from the S and showed it. The part 2 will come when they finally get their design finished.
GM cars have a reputation for being track ready. Corvettes are often seen on tracks running running and running it is perhaps a reason lately they are winning everything (when I say lately I mean the last decade)
The problem is South America is that the club owners are terrible people, corrupt as hell and with zero remorse. But underneath them the soccer spotters and youth coaches have a lot of talent. For example look at all the South American coaches in Europe where they are doing very well and lets not forget that Pele,…
There are many things I don’t understand about US soccer, the first of all is why look to Europe when they should be looking to South America. Yes Europe has the best leagues but the best players are born south. If MLS teams want to be relevant start playing the Copa Libertadores and the Copa Sudamericana. Go to play…
I always fast forward that segment!
I was born with a full head of hair and my mom loved me the same!