yes really
yes really
Probably the best F1 engine ever.
Cooley knows nothing about cars (like CNET knows nothing about computers) he likes Ford Mustangs and everything else gets their thumb down. His tests include riding the car around Presidio and climb Twin Peaks in San Francisco and take the highway into San Bruno (like 15 miles from SF I think) and that’s it.
They forgot that you can get the magnetic suspension
It looks like everything else, you can take concept art from a lot of other games and claim that they are from X game, there is no emotion or anything interesting.
Would you buy a Lotus or an Alfa Romeo 4C? They are kind of the same car, very light sports cars mated with regular car engines and super crappy interiors.
He is being very humble and honest so I say Lewis go for it, I see no harm and in art you have to do it, talking is just BS.
you got an 80s car with 80 hp
Having met a lot of Japanese in college, they see the US as a very chaotic place because people seem to do whatever they want and they are very judgemental with women because they see them as whores because of their open sexuality (American women tend to be open about liking sex in a public way). What it’s funny is…
If you remember the ambulance Porsche Clarkson made on Topgear looked like this car.
This: 12000 dollars for the cpu
Ok Mr Haisley, please stop drinking the Premier League Kool-Aid. Perhaps you never saw Man UTD under Alex Ferguson’s but Van Gaal’s team has been a complete disaster. It is supposed to be able to fight for the ‘Orejona’ The big Ear’s cup (nickname for the trophy) but this is a mediocre team at best. It doesn’t instill…
Nice article from you, especially since all the past ones seems to be how we avoided WWIII by a hair.
Klinsmann completed his cycle I honestly don’t see any more progress coming from him. I think that the US team needs a good latin coach to move things forward.
I love your summary tremendously dreadful.
Plus you have Nike & Adidas whose pockets knows no bottom and can pretty much fight for that market in any shape or form.
I guess Doug de Muro did this posts. In any case your forgot to add how this car in person is ugly, it’s disproportionate and somehow the front and the back don’t fit together. This is an Italian Car cannot be forgiven.
Does anyone care that a Ducati is FUGLY? I do and yes that is a deal-breaker, I mean when the Japanese make prettier things than you (and you are Italian)...