That is one of the most FUGLY luxury GTs ever. In person its really a disaster in proportions.
That is one of the most FUGLY luxury GTs ever. In person its really a disaster in proportions.
You forgot the baby McLaren which by all accounts is coming and most people think that's their price point and perhap perhaps the Mid-engine Vette.
Can this race be qualified as an East coast West Coast thing? I know Detroit isn't on the East coast but it's close enough...
This posts makes my head spin because I don't know whether to listen to Tavarish advice or Doug DeMuro. the 2 post the complete opposite and both seemed so logical.
The only example I could think of of Automotive journalism that generates cash is TopGear.
Audi forgets how they tried to bully Fiat into selling them Alfa, and how they used Marchione as a running joke. I guess Sergio can at least have a fuck you to Piëch, that's what I do anyway.
You know what this is one of the lists where I think it's pretty spot on, HOWEVER I think there is a need for a special mention to Sergio Scaglieti who was a coach builder for Ferrari. However he did more than building as he often will receive a chassis from Enzo and make a car on top of that. One curious thing…
That's my favorite Merc of all time. I wish I could saw it in person.
They always compare him to Steve Jobs but the difference was that Jobs always delivered there wasn't any vaporware, and so far Tesla is way behind on its promises...
I actually think Lincoln is very smart by developing its SUVs Crossovers first. The are the present and the close future big volume sellers and if they can get a foothold in the premium SUV market they will have done half the homework.
The movie Cars made this one famous and not so obscure.
It's very pretty and I like it very much. I would consider buying next time I am in the market.
This is car porn, it's incredibly elegant and sexy. I hope they could make it.
Because the Emperors of China were driven in Buick's thus in China Buick has a big reputation for luxury.
Do you know that is a German car? made in Europe and brought to the US. It isn't a piece of crap because no new Opel is, there actually very good cars. I bet you think only Japanese stuff is worth buying but you should expand your preconceptions about current car products.
How much do you wanna bet that Putin is a trans? He has to be it's the only explanation that makes sense really.
I preferred the screaming V10s that sounded like they were going to brake glass from screaming such high notes.
How come having a Citroen only gets you 6-10% is there a brand more Jalopnik than Citroen, I dont think so!
The Vette is too cool for Chevrolet