iris osiris

Great avatar/comment synergy.

I think that was the one line they wouldn't cross with Tony's character. He raised his fist at Carmela once and then hit the wall instead, but that was the closest it ever got.

OMG! Where in the WI were you? Did you also have to take the CXCs?

Correct you are. However, the same police officer did apologize after I made a stink and demanded to speak to a female police officer instead, so there's that. But even so, I learned a lot of sad fucking things about our culture from that incident.

You'd be surprised! When some anonymous creeper once tore the screen on my bathroom window and opened the window to watch me come out of the shower, the police officer who arrived on the scene told me it was more or less my own fault for not locking my window.

I'm thinking of doing NaNoWriMo too (which I say every year, and never do), so I think there needs to be some kind of AVC support group for it next month, since quite a few of us seem to be in the same boat.

Wao has been on my to-read list for too long, but since I'm more familiar and comfortable with Diaz's style, I should bump it up. Your description of Yunior's function does make it sound even more appealing!

I've been putting off the first book for, like, a year now. The length intimidates me. Is it easier to get through than I think it is?

I totally agree about being worn out on Yunior as well, and I still haven't even read Oscar Wao yet. I can cut Diaz some slack, though, since I went into Drown knowing I'd be running into the same guy and many of the same themes as in TIHYLH. With Lahiri, these were supposed to be all different characters in each

Last month I wrapped up short story collections by Diaz, Lahiri, Munro, and Butler, and while all were good, I was probably most blown away by Bloodchild. I've since picked up and started reading Kindred, and plan to explore more of her works next year.

Does anyone else remember this guy being the quintessential Lifetime male in the 90s? Like pretty much every made for TV movie he made, he was murdering or being trifling until brought to justice. So whenever we'd come across him on 7th Heaven, we'd joke about how we could never buy him as a good guy, and how we knew

I'm loving the lady in yellow on the far left who thinks the whole thing is beneath her.

Greg Sestero and Tommy Wiseau were kind enough to pose for a picture with me at a screening for The Room, and I said to Sestero, "I loved you in Retro Puppet Master," to which he replied, "Oh, God."

It's because you didn't pitch it as a romcom! Think of the wacky, sexy hijinks that will ensue when Red catches her new man Wolf in her grandmother's nightie!

My (white) boyfriend showed (black) me Heavy Traffic for the first time just this past weekend, and my thoughts were very similar to yours. He's also shown me Fritz the Cat, and I've been debating telling him that I'm all set on the Bakshi stuff. The stories never really went where I expected them to, and while that's

I should be ashamed of the number of times I've watched the "Thieves in the Temple" video within Graffiti Bridge, but I am not. Great soundtrack indeed.

"Like horror? This is horror. Lucky you."

Thank you! I thought I was the only person annoyed by overuse/misuse of the word diva.

How delightful was that musical flashback montage? It looked exactly like a shitty 90s CMT music video!

So in other words, you just got a peek at the bestselling novel of 2016.