iris osiris

Those names are cool? You just made 13-year old me blush!

Mine were J5Girl1 and DESTINY78 (after the Jacksons album, and the year it was released). I spent all of my time in the VH1 chat room, as that was the only place where dorks who loved oldies could hang. Oh, VH1, what have you become?

That sounds like PC bullshit.

I…I don't understand what this Cap'n Crunch video is. Can someone please explain it to me?

This was the worst thing about the Vancouver games in 2010. I live in the same time zone as Vancouver, but still had to wait for the primetime airing to see certain events. And by that point, everyone on the East Coast had already spoiled everything.

I don't really know about this. I've seen Game of Thrones spoilers mentioned in commercials for morning news shows. This was aired at like 5pm the day after the GOT episode aired. I understand avoiding the news, but if you're just trying to kick back and enjoy some Maury you should only be subjected to ads for

I think most people would respond with another Marvin Gaye lyric.

In Barbados, many older people will just say "Good!" when they pass you. It works surprisingly well.

It's been so sporadic these last few weeks. :(

Do you think they mean South Asians as well?

Jessica Alba sat behind me at a premiere once. I was in the front row, and people kept standing over me to talk to her. Her assistant handed her food and drinks and I had to move my head out of the way. I don't think she ate the food. Thanks for tuning into this installment of Iris Osiris' True Hollywood Stories.

House of Lies?

Ooh, good call.

I'm bummed out that the Olivia Newton-John song is simply called "Physical" and will therefore not be making an appearance this week. :(

How you doin'?

Ooh, let's discuss which characters we'd want to hang out with in real life!

The first time I watched this show, I was quite the Rico apologist because I was so blinded by my Freddy Rodriguez lust (lemme alone! Boyish Puerto Ricans are my weakness!). But rewatching the series with a clearer head, I really have to say that he and Justina Machado brought their A-game to this shit storyline.


I'm glad you told it like it was! I once had a Sallie Mae minion tell me that I couldn't just "pick and choose" which bills to pay after I explained that ALL of my paycheck went to rent, car payments, and food. I guess he thought the car I was making payments on was an Escalade or something, and that this was why I

I know, I know, you're right. Aren't we lucky to have Tyler Perry in Hollywood, creating nuanced, diverse, and non-stereotypical portrayals for women of color to play!