Right on. It's like NO ONE involved is attempting to do anything innovative or new or interesting.
Right on. It's like NO ONE involved is attempting to do anything innovative or new or interesting.
And the twist will be that he's been faking his disability. We'll learn this when the ADA taunts him in court and gets some kind of impossible physical reaction from him.
If you want to see truly bored people forcing themselves to do their jobs, watch any episode of The Mentalist. The show is a slog, but the cast seems unconcerned with, like, even pretending to give a shit.
You know, that was one of the best things about grad school: being forced to churn out creative material, and getting instant feedback from classmates and professors. My thesis also went over well (made distinction, even!) but is currently sitting in a drawer somewhere.
I saw this the last time I was there, but was apprehensive about actually buying it. Your post has inspired me to go for it and make something creative with it, so thanks!
I know exactly what you mean about being a scaredy cat! Have a blast consulting, and hopefully it'll be the kick in the pants you need with your own stuff.
I'm still stalled on my third novel (the third in a series), but considering how I'm way too chicken shit to send out queries for the first one and have zero confidence that it'll ever reach a mass audience, I'm not sure why I'm putting in so much effort into something I'll only show my friends. But I'm also reading…
Did his sex scandal involve him allegedly fondling someone at an airport?
The last time I remember hearing Louie Anderson's name was when he was accused of fondling someone at an airport or something. But fondling someone at the airport is kind of a D-lister rite of passage, so I could be thinking of someone else too.
Penny's letter/suggestion reminded me of the stories people come up with on the spot for character back story in an acting class, or even in an improv show. I think it made perfect sense for her character.
This was one of the few instances where Howard's mother probably should've been involved in the plot, but she wasn't. And for that I am thankful. This was a really sweet episode, and I'm glad that they kept it between Howard, Bernadette, and their friends.
I would also rank "When the Pawn" first. Paper Bag and Get Gone are perfect, perfect songs.
Between Penny's confession about ending up in a motel with some guy and Leonard's meltdown in the classroom, Raj and Lucy seem pretty damn well-adjusted to me.