
That’s not the substance of this article, which was written by a religious person, at all.

The shirt combined with his expression: “My dad born me and trained me to make me into a marketable product. You can see my product label on my chest. I’m an investment he made, and he wants to see the investment pay off.”

The look on Lonzo’s face in the first picture is not unlike that of children whose parents are members of the Westboro Baptist Church at a protest. They’re here, and they didn’t really ask for this.

What Should I Do If ICE Shows Up On My Doorstep?

Doctor: I’m sorry to inform you of this, but you have lung cancer.

So you expect him to be top 5 in scoring, tops in assists and be an elite rebounder at the 3 without expecting him to take some dip on defense. All this while averaging 37 minutes a game and being on pace to play 82. That’s unrealistic.

...oh and speaking of Amway, the founder’s daughter-in-law is now Secretary of Education!!! ‘Merica!!!

“And then you get six people to eat several over-sized dicks... and they get six people...”

One of the many ways men are privileged over women is they don’t deal with the same constant bombardment of the-not-quite-Ponzi-scheme-but-somehow-even-more-awkward LulaRoe/Scentsy/Roden+Fields/body wrap sales pitches from high school classmates on Facebook.

You’ve got an extraneous “ing business” in that sentence.

I mean cops can claim they joined up to help people. That may even be true for some of them. You join ICE it’s because you want to fuck up some brown people.

Right, but the NRA doesn’t mean that everyone should have the right to defend themselves with guns - just white people. DUH!

Wonderful, we have a Gestapo now. TBH, the few ICE agents I know joined specifically for the chance of doing this type of thing, so they are going to be very busy doing what they love.

I wouldn’t call 4th place a “recommendation” more along the lines of “this is what is available.”

I’m ready to upgrade from my rock-solid, well-worn Camry. I liked the Camry, but I’d really like to spend more on repairs.

Yeah, anyone that interpreted that in any way to mean Schefter told Jeffrey to go to the Eagles is a fucking dunce.

I was in tears. I didn’t understand. “Those are your glasses, grandpa.”

Troll level: 11

Intentionally? perhaps. Pragmatically? absolutely with the additional bonus of it being published in a business magazine that might be sitting on a reception room coffee table in one of his enterprises.

I am grandfathered into a 24 Hour Fitness membership for $59.99 a YEAR. And I never ever go because it’s a solid 15 minute drive, longer in traffic. In January I also signed up for an Anytime Fitness that is a 3 minute drive, or even a 15 minute walk, and I’ve been going 4-5 times a week (well until this week cause I