
@minibeardeath: This was "Designed" by according to the website itself.

@kake81: If phone (400) 680-8388 to order new Q Pro but is to be number more valid please before to pressing 001 around on keypad. It will made for better. Maybe then you are much impressed and waiting to order not much anymore.

@GhostWhoWalks: Looks like Blizzard hit their target audience.

@Jerm Deeks: Quiet you! If Blizzard reps read that they'll change the price accordingly in a heartbeat!

@cynopt: (Your second comment) Agreed.

@FritzLaurel: You misunderstood the comment if you thought I was at all comparing YOU to Hitler. It was, at the time, an alternative (read: ridiculous and terrible) way to let you know that your comment was rather discriminating and unfit for Kotaku, in my opinion. Glad it's not up to me, eh?

@FritzLaurel: Guilty until proven innocent? Truly the true heart of the average American, aye?

@20tolife: I figured people would see two meanings.. kinda why I posted it ;)

@Jon: In adition to @Jilkon's reply, if you could play UnR as long as you wanted, then where would the rookies get the chance to practice against equally (bad) players?

@sabrage: None of these points cover any of the reasons I rageuninstalled the game.

@Facebook: Account created ten days ago.

@Benedinho: Indeed. The account itself was created ten days ago (to prevent negative ratings when the buyer finds out it's a ROD'd box). The account owner has only this single one item for sale, for (at the moment) $35. What does a new XBOX360 cost again? :/

Fffffffff—- Now I have that semi-creepy game-menu music on my mind! Thanks a fucking lot! _<

@FutbolGenius: Oh, so what's what you thought... all I thought was "Is she related to CHUCK Norris?"

But do they have a microphone piece? With a button to control my music? :3

@virgil.ierubino: Yeah, now I'm not so excited about my Black anymore... :(

@Cyrano76: After reading about it I was giddy like girl about to get her first doll. Then I watched the movie and realized it was nowhere near as awesome as the text implied. Almost as if it was written by a Journalist... Oh, wait...

This is so cool! Really sucks that I won't be getting one for free, but seeing how Microsoft is treating their employees these days just makes me... so positive toward them! Go Microsoft!? :O