
@River: *Pats your back* Also, if you were to pry open any of your ol' powerstrips at home and spent a minute looking at it, you'd realize it looks exactly the same, except that the wires go to separate space-consuming holes instead.

@kake81: Reverse poles usually aren't a problem with AC.

I already have tethering though :O

@Brent Samuel: The Reply link didn't let me see the actual article, but I was fairly sure I couldn't see the laser anyway. Just the airplane glowing brightly and bursting into flames.

@rob_p: *Copy-Paste something I wrote earlier about age of consent being 12 in the Vatican state*

@kanga5khan123: The age of consent, within the Vatican State, is 12 years of age.

Why is it in black and white?

@Bender: Wait, hang on, ELECTROCUTION is painless? and quick?

Dr. Colin Freeman.

@kylecpcs: That's horrible. xD Oh well, I'm not gonna say anything about how to live your life ;]

@Irina Wylder: Bet that's what you wife is saying too now.

@Deckard: Well, yeah, you were sorta polite about it.

@DarqWolff: He is using one. You are not. No, not to start a war here or anything, but people using the term "hacker" for "breaking into a computer system" is just plain annoying.

@jmcm: It's not hex.