
Your software update did not fix a hardware error? Wow, i'm shocked, Apple. |:

I've never Googled myself. I wouldn't know.

"Send an email to [name], the author of this post, at [email]."

This little thing can assure my device gets a stable charge of X volt and Y amps regardless of how fast im pedaling?

@ilovetofu: Geeks still use Internet Explorer? I thought that browser was for "consumers".

@Ahmed.Alzayani: Not a problem. I never asked for nor approved of this acid test. Whatever it is, whatever it does, whatever they think they achieve by still keeping it up, I don't care. I like FireFox regardless. :3

@Rob Hayes: Of all the things capped in that screen shot, a date isn't.

@John T. Haller: Oh, thanks a bunch! I really didn't want to risk installing the beta while already running 3.6.6! Bookmarked your site!

The sad thing about these updates are:

I really hope the YoutTube "app" gets an upgrade to do this as well, for the typing-lazy.

He never really was on their side.

I love my furries, but I stopped looking when I saw this.....

@Isotope: Ick, no I can imagine! Versus other iDevice users I can imagine it being fun, but versus bots or PC-stocking online players... What fun |:

I love this article so much I might just bookmark it for posterity... and maybe a little prosperity.

@skt.smth: Walk halfway up the stairs and accidentally hit the ON switch...

But how does the iProducts play Quake2/3? That's the real question! ... Now if only the Apple Store wasn't straight out of Equilibrium.