
@Jandau: Yeah! Like, who doesn't have (and prefer) a PC for gaming? /signed, European

@Batman: +1

@Ariakkan: Well then again, he technically wasn't hired for playing WoW, but rather for his skill of leadership (in a guild, in the game).

@Blastarr: Remove the apostrophe or add a comma. ;)

@TaylorEatWorld: Holy bejesus! I hate you so much now. *shudder* I hate warnings, they are far too tempting!!!

Picture doesn't load!

@skt.smth: IMHO, stock prices are directly related to people's face expressions when someone mentions the company name.

So not "everyone" after all. Typical business-style 'false' advertisement.

@Walking Eye!: Apparently my name is against their policy. I don't get it at all, my name really is "(^∇^)Irina Wylder Loves You!" Prove me wrong, Facebook! :<

@peteer02: hates geofencing: Hah, that's how I felt the other day when I realized that the "date/time" (and icon) were also sirect links to the article. I feel so unclever now.

@snortingrooster: mhm, thank you for seeing the point I was trying to make. I still apologize if I came on in a way that seemed like I was just bashing the device, it was never my intention at all and hope it hasn't caused any negative feelings. The last thing I want is aruments and hate on the Internet. There's

@snortingrooster: I never once claimed they were trying to guess this 4-digit passcode. I'm talking about simply going around it entirely by connecting the device to a computer through USB...I believe even Gizmodo had an article on that just a little while back.

This again? TFC as always. _<

This made my day.

@icepick314: On Steam it's Counter-Strike. Off Steam it's WoW, FF or that baby-game... ø_ø

@redqueenmeg: Myeah, maybe you got a point there about the doom and glood... Maybe i'm just a bit biassed about it, but children were never great actors. It'll turn out to be a good watch-it-twice movie, but that's it. Hope I'm wrong of course, but I've had a lot of movies ruined by all sorts of lame reasons - I just

@Xagest: I'll cost you thousands in blown lightbulbs tho! But what fun, would've been so worth it! :

@snortingrooster: You seem to think you're going to stretch this out pretty far. I think otherwise and might consider tagging this for moderation. I'm not out to get you or fight you. I simply commented an alternative anti-fabnboyish insight in why the iPhone might not always be good for everyone.