
@redqueenmeg: Don't make them smile D: It'll look like Disney's Hannah Montana... D:

Ugh. The trailer looks way too "comical". Lines were cheesy and terrible. Some of the actors sonld like 4KIDS voice actors (Not a compliment).

@Big McLargehuge: Same. Does not look like any kind of error possible to cause with a console.

Sweet. I didn't know this! Thanks for the tip Kevin and Paul.

@Xagest: *Wirelessly hacks your lights!* *On, off, on, off, on, off, on, off* :D

I prefer CAD for any 3D modelling, but that's the most expensive piece of software that I know of. Not worth it for anyone who isn't a professional in the field (Or unless you get it for free for beta testing ;))

Source link is dead.

@Erich Rosenberger: Still it is a rough idea of the consept. Anyone can spend a few more days working on this to extend the area where the air hits the copper tubing, although this isn't quite the way I would have done it. Copper tubes are expensive man! Of course I agree with you. Claiming that this setup, WYSIWYG,

About time they cleaned up their code. VLC, like any other software, went from being the fastest to pretty sluggish and slow (like "everyone" else). Definitely giving this updated release a try! :]

@EBone: (!) Good to know, thank you, EBone. I also notice a lot of reports on various (scary) errors, so I might just wait a little longer.

@snortingrooster: I frankly don't care what Apple allows or not, the fact is that you can install pretty much anything on it. Then again Apple has previously allowed apps that they have later pulled. What post apocalyptic hole are you speaking of?

@iWillJ: Yep. Just sorta surprised it wasn't mentioned in the article.

They messed up on the design though. I hope it comes with the option to either REMOVE this "Social" crap, or move it to the far right. |:

@oholiab: No, no, you're right. Xbox 360 Slim consoles _AND_ AMD processors all do overheat. Thanks for the update.

@b18delsolt: Also, the iPhone offers practically no security whatsoever. Like that little "pin code" isn't easy enough to bypass, and with all this open code anyone could make apps to tear your iphone apart.

I want it this in Norway! Now! D:

I see a brief explanation on how to install it on a MAC... but what about us Windows users? (Or Linux for that matter, if anyone cares).

Missed Portal 2 on the list. Not interested. *Thumbs down to that website editor*