
Amaaaaazing! My god I wanna see StarWars re-remade just to see the Death Star being "constructed" like that. XD

@NeoSkyte: That was pretty awesome! The combination of ol' classic side-scroller and the 3D environment made it look quite spectacular! I can't wait for this game!


So correct me if I'm wrong, but so what this "Kill-switch" essentially does is... cripple the United States of America? O____o;;; What...GENIUS though up this idea? Never before have I heard anything so ridiculous and COMPLETELY retarded in my ENTIRE LIFE.

My heart and love went out to Gabe and his announcement of Portal 2.

@OuttaTime: Yes indeed! These are the servers I play actively on:

Team Fortress Classic

@Dayv: Well I was pinned up between two big black dudes D: Not much help then... O_O;;

Funny. I just posted a question on Lifehacker about something like this. What do YOU do to make sure your iPhone always finds it's way home?

@Francis Lamarre: And this is why that shirt doesn't exist, Grahamunculus. Sorry to disappoint.

And I'm the only one commenting about Kotaku's lack of "See all the images on ONE page" gallery function.

@resonance462: Not if you're a gamer. And said game has a voice-through-microphone function. And said function can be used to play music. Then said music will be this. All the time ... Fuck you Tay! :|

Red dot... That's freaky!

@Zim: *Promoted* (I wish!)

@Evdor: I agree. The shortcut that BP took, COULD have worked, but it didn't. Now's definitely not the time for any more "could have". Doubt it could get any worse though. Damage is already done.

@redwall: Way to show you don't care a damn and/or were completely ignorant about what ca$h said.

I kinda like them all, but want a PINK one! :-\ Hell, I want a pink iPhone too! D: /slightlyofftopic

I wish they would specify things like "USA residents only" more than one single place on their entire website. Took me forever to find it and what a waste of that that was, instead of just pointing it out on the blog/FAQ. :\