
@Kaiser-Machead: The Lat looks really nice as a business computer and I usually have those docked anyway. What I struggle with is finding a smooth portable for personal use and the business look isn't very attractive to say the least. At least it didn't have that nasty numpad! ;)

@relic1980: Hey, part of what family is for :] - I do this for my relatives as well, not too often though, luckily.

"Jesus Christ, lady. You know how hard it is to develop an educational game kids actually want to play? Or do you just want learning to be as painful for them as it was in your unhappy childhood?"

The zippers makes me think of Nine.

@Kaiser-Machead: Mmhm, asymmetrical or not, I prefer it more centered in general because of the way my palms rest when I type on a laptop. I have an old Dell Inspiron (potable) 1521 and it's perfect in every single way, for my use and how it appears physically. Sadly it's outdated and is not nearly powerful enough

Numpads are so ugly on laptops. Why can't they exclude those on the smaller models at least? :\ I have to rest my palm DIRECTLY on top of the touchpad as well... UGH.

Running out of IP-addresses in 3...2...1..

Huh... Another neat function in 7. :O

@AOClaus: It's alright. I promise to forgive you if you send me a picture of your junk.

@MichaelPalin: Very disappointing, but it does seem that way.

Leaked? Leaked from where?

Aw, just a game? :(

Now playing

- Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe... *sniff*... maybe... I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet!

Games, huh? Team Fortress Classic of course, for every breathing moment I have without cuddling up with my guy! The only game that never gets old to me.

I want a Boomer-Vile mutator! One random survivor gets a 1-minute long lasting vile on him or herself, this happens (still to a random survivor) every 2 minute. Oh the fun. :D

@Blah8: Right, missy. That's exactly what I was talking about. Didn't mean to be an ass toward Americans or anything when I made that comment. I'm sorry if I did. No Americans were harmed in the making of this comment-section.

My goodness. Phew! Looking over the screenshots I thought you forgot to include FireFox. Downloading now.

Doesn't work anymore?