
@Tsylord: Sounds like something they should implement in prisons. Or convicts who are released on probation or something... This is way scary though.

@psychiccheese: I don't know about you, but to me the URL itself was pretty self-explanatory.

Not one word about this being a service "brought to you by" BitDefender? Personally not gonna touch that website.

@Mikeh12: Hehe, absolutely. If you're lucky, your teacher will have a nostalgia-fit and you get an extra plus for it. Or if you believe my beloved 8., "Outlook not so good".

@An Atheist Jew: ... Suddenly I feel dumb for not having thought about this before, myself.

( ̄(エ) ̄)

Only in the USA would that be considered grammatically correct English.

@foofad: Jump, log-out, cancel. Repeat. Some clients need to press log-out before jumping due to latency issues.

@DrZaius: Oh, I see. It definitely was sarcasm then.

@Chewblaha: What an annoying and whiny little ***** :3 He whines about how Steam needs to update? Yeeeah... that's how the tiiiiiny Steeam installer works, hun.

Looks like UT without weapons...

@touwe: You're very welcome. I enjoyed quite a lot of the reviews I speed-browsed through. I really do like the concept and wish you luck with it :] - Still, another handful of words would catch my bookmarking interest. ;]

@masonsturtle: *Shudder* o_____o How dare you... on Kotaku of all place. Naw, naw, just kidding. That was one awful movie though!!!

@Krakenstein: Haha, it's just a furry thing... Merf is one of those "cute sounds" those silly peoples make/type out. ;]

@Gusdor: Oh, haha. Please forgive me for sounding aggressive. It wasn't my intention to make it sound like negative. :]