Kindle Fire tablets are some of the best, cheapest Android tablets around, but they’re limited to Amazon’s app store,…
2016 was an exciting year for Android fans. Google released Android Nougat which finally added split-screen mode, a…
Android: If you use Chrome on your Android phone, you may have noticed a little quirk when you open a new tab. As…
Over the past two weeks we have, like we do every year, given you a snapshot of the essential apps, extensions, and…
Chrome: A simple pocket notebook is great for jotting down quick thoughts or notes, but maybe you prefer to stay…
Your phone is likely the centerpiece of your digital photo collection, so you may as well have the best photo…
There are tons of note apps with wildly different approaches to organizing your thoughts. For that perfect balance…
It’s really hard to believe, but I have to say that one of the most—and possibly the most—profound changes I’ve made…
Evernote can be a great digital mind, but—like the brain in your head—it can quickly become a mess if you don't keep…
If you're using Evernote the right way, you probably have a lot of content to sift through. Evernote's Table of…
Chrome: We love Google Keep, but Category Tabs for Google Keep adds color-coded categories to make it even more…
One of the biggests complaints about Evernote, at least for the web client, is its cluttered, clunky interface.…
Windows only: For those of us who need an internet assisted brain, note taking apps are an invaluable tool—and now…
Android (4.0+): Simplenote, our favorite syncing note taking app for the iPhone, is updating all of its services,…
Sometimes there's just no beating pen and paper, whether it's for doodling, taking notes in class or a meeting,…
Chrome: Google Keep isn't the most full-featured note syncing service around, but it works well for casual note…
iOS: If you're in the midst of a research project on your iPhone or iPad, you don't want to open the Evernote app…
iPhone: If you've used an iPhone before, you've probably used one of the many note apps available for it. Some sync,…
Click to view There's a reason there's still so much paper around in this hyper-connected, everything-online age:…