
It’s easy. Who would you cater to? 80,000 people it millions of people? While those lights look horrible in those pictures. We all know those pics were taken with phone cameras, and phone cameras make it look worse than it really is. Phone camera lens are horrible when it comes to pointing at lights. There will huge

At the cost of their younger veiwers. My little ones don’t need to see that stuff at this point in their lives. Shane, cuz my kids love the current WWE.

Maybe he didn’t enjoy pounding against you for longer than 5 minutes because you stink

You dumb lol, he ain’t a good one, and she talking his game up. Y’all gullible asf

Stop watching then you baby cry. 

Boo hoo you didn’t get what you wanted so it’s a flop on their part huh? You wanted Rick to die and he didn’t. So fuck you. I guess you can’t please everyone. I and everyone here was happy the way the episode went. Stop fucking bitching at everything this show does and either enjoy or stop fucking watching bitch. 

These things are so cheap because Google wants to get in everybody’s house so they can listen to everything in your home. If the device hears you talking to your wife that you want the new Pixel 2 phone, you’ll start getting ads everywhere for that phone. It’s already happening on our smartphones now if you haven’t

Being big don’t mean nothing. I’d rather take on a big guy instead of a little guy anyways. Don’t think for one second that just because you’re big, that you won’t be a target.

I’ll beat you down with your own cane buddy.

You’re wrong. Anytime I need to change my sim card it’s annoying.