
“films and graphic novels that delve into human emotion, development, and realistic portrayals”

Those are exactly the elements missing from MoS and BvS. Its something I’ve seen consistently pointed out in the reviews. There’s really no development happening and Snyder has apparently feels that scowling and

Fantastical silliness? What in the world are you talking about? Comic books have regularly tackled heavy hitting issues, and while most of the time historically they take a less serious aspect, this hasn’t been the case for 30 years! We’re not talking about a Dora the Explorer or Blues Clues movie, we’re talking about

Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Dark Knight, V for Vendetta just off the top of my head were all reasonably smart, compelling movies that touched on the political and cultural zeitgeist without losing anything in their cool action sequences.

Yeah, well, here’s the thing, some people don’t go to watch fucking superhero movies because we care about their intrinsic cultural value or whatever.

Except most of the reviews I’ve read are essentially saying, “This movie is no fun . We wish we could turn our brains off, but they keep trying to cram in themes and heavy, portentous stuff that makes no sense.”

Good thing it’s not a zero sum situation - movies can have both cool and good fights and a story that isn’t insultingly stupid. In fact a good story makes cool and good fights cooler and gooder, because you care about the characters!

This movie is doing everything it can to portray itself as smart and thoughtful. The filmmakers are not telling you to turn your brain off.

I think that’s the problem the author is having with this movie. It’s hard to escape into a movie when the dialogue, action, and plot are so shitty you feel like you’re watching an adaptation of a 15 year old’s fan fiction. If there are so many fuckups that are so egregious that you find yourself saying, “That was

Look at it this way: How much did the studio spend on this movie? $100 million? $150 million? NOPE—$250 million. For a quarter-billion dollars, don’t you want the best director, the best acting, the best script you could possibly get? Action movies don’t have to be stupid (witness the first Iron Man and Avengers movies

That mentality is the reason Paul Blart: Mall Cop made almost $200,000,000 total box office, and in the process proved to me definitively that there is no god.

I hate this mentality.

You know, generally people grow out of the “jingle keys” level of enjoyment and actually need something more than loud, bright, and moving to keep their attention. I’m glad you’re able to watch schlock and get some entertainment out of it, but you won’t get any less out of it with your viewing style with a smart or

I take movies roughly as seriously as they take themselves. Fast and Furious franchise? A brain-off fun time. This movie, on the other hand, takes itself super seriously and should be mocked appropriately.

I’m not saying that every story has to be revolutionary... I’m just saying that I don’t see why you’d be interested in the moviegoing experience at all if you’re only interested in the visuals. What do you do during the parts of the movie where they’re focused on the plot or setup? The action usually occupies a

I’m sorry, but as an artist and writer myself that mentality really pains me. I wish less people had that mentality

I find poorly made movies boring, not fun, and tedious, even with my brain turned off. There’s a difference between well-made trash and complete crap.

After watching.

I think the two givens were this:

Don’t worry, the porn parody can’t be far behind.

Same. This is going to be the worst hate-watch of my life. But I will do it with my Superman shirt on.