
The head dent risk is true. I started noticing this with my own head back during COVID when I started teaching our computer science classes from home and would have headphones on for 12 or more hrs a day. I do worry about other impacts in terms of things like restricting circulation. I certainly have more headaches

Right on with the poop risk thing. We had a senior dog who sometimes would have accidents on the floor. Good and loyal dog, but I lost 2 robot vacs to his poop/pee accidents.

In hopes to avoid it happening again, I really bucked up for the most recent on paying almost double what I paid for prior model as the new model

That’s great news! I always hate how they leave Daisy out of titles. If Peach is there, so should Daisy. I love to pummel Peach as Daisy every chance I get!

Yes! A fellow Code Monkeys fan! 

Exactly this ^^^ Never gave them a chance to create a unique and attractive identity.

Now playing

I was super excited G4 was coming back while acknowledging some of my pull was nostalgia. However, I did watch frequently on Twitch and even subscribed, but never for a minute considered watching it on regular cable TV. That venue had to be more expensive than just leveraging the streaming platforms. When Kevin left I

I don’t agree with “complete market failure” being a given. Is true, I grew up on Intellivision/Atari so a bit biased. I miss those ‘just pop in and start playing’ moments with my Family.

I believe there is still an opportunity to bring some of those times back. Especially given all the great Mattel IP they now own

yep ^^^

Guessing u maybe haven’t played it much? It is actually great fun but gets repetitive after some time. Give it a go. U might dig it.

From this article at least, not really sure what the point was of the Person reporting this. Just that it’s in the game or they wanted to disclose some of the practices during development? Or something/nothing else(?)

There is no hidden meaning in the message. Devs insert exception messages they never expect to

Exactly. That’s all it is.

Pettiness nothing to do with it. Any long-time developer has been guilty of inserting such ‘This exception should never happen’ type error messages. Means nothing but perhaps a bit of fun. At least they were smart enough not to use vulgar words. I know plenty of cases of ‘THIS SHIT SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! SOMETHING IS