
I liked the Electric Kool Aid Acid Test and Man in Full wasnt bad.

Is it really that bad in America with the testing? from what ive read it sounds like kids spend all their time in class prepping for those SAT tests with nonsensical questions at charter schools that occasionally go out of business in the middle of the year. Im in my early 20s, from small town southern Ontario and we

Hes got the light of the faithful in his eyes and you gotta stay on edge around those people, you never know when they are going to fall into a waking messianic fever dream and start seeing demons.

The staggering amount of sexual confusion that would be wrought in 45s head might just drive him to it. That or Rosie will end up in a Russian labour camp.

I think it looks like the bear is doing an adorable Nazi Salute.

Thanks big stimpy cat, your always there for me when i'm hallucinating big stimpy cats.

Pretty sure i read that she makes yogurt with hers.

Baby Yeezys.

Fun (mostly unrelated) Fact, the Koch family made its money building oil refineries for Stalin.

They really sidestepped that whole being a nazi thing pretty masterfully.

Presented by Hugo Boss.

The supermarket guy?

Its not that scary but if i lived in the area id be pissed off about the noise.

Nah, I believe YOU mean 21 Savages "music" is what rap music in Idiocracy would sound like, hes not even a likable person like Yachty.

The one who's not Quayvo or Offset.

Iv had powder, the first time it felt amazing but now even after i dont use it for a year or more i dont get the same rush. Given the choice between good coke and good molly ill take the molly every time,

Its an incredibly dirty and addicting way to smoke weed where you unscrew the top of a metal bowl piece so that your left with a little metal tube. You then cut a piece off the end of a smoke and its fits snug into the the tube, then you stamp it onto a pile of weed and smoke it till it "pops."

"Volunteers" being the operative word since Donald doesn't pay his architects.

I think 13 Kilometer should take place on a reservation, Detroit looks like Versailles compared to most of those spots.

Am i alone in thinking that if lil Wayne, at his peak, wasnt boosting Drake, than he probably wouldnt have caught on?