
Ill tell you how it stimulates the economy: The Fountainhead.

I think the American people should get a dozen meters of chain and a couple cattle prods and force Henry Rollins to run in 2020.

And Caitlyn Jenner, Americas Auntie Tom.

You could be really defiant by buying our beef and soft-wood lumber, it would be very rebellious like confederate flag and red bull energy drink.

Omarosa supports him, and, cmon shes practically Oprah mixed with Rosa Parks.

They would blame the mexicans, thugs and pc sjw for everything that went wrong and double down on their beliefs.

I think they should make a religious, single use unit called a terrorist that can blow themselves up in cities or districts and decrease the other civilizations happiness but doesnt cause automatic war.

People on the soap all cheat on each other yet act like its the end of the world when they find out, everyones always way eager to move in.

This is why history class is important, that way you have a broader range of dictators to compare people to.

Its a minority that bothers to get on comment boards and spout the most explicit racism, but accepting gross stereotypes as the basis of how to perceive minorities is wide spread.

Iv had that song stuck in my head, well except when im trying to fall asleep, thats when my brain cant turn off the creepy beat from "House of Sin" by Ab-Soul.

Well she only picked him up so they could play happy couple at that weird party. My parents (yes im a millenial living at home, i SWEAR this is only a temporary situation) watch a british soap so i find how they can manage a complicated relationship refreshing.

Even Paul Ryan has become semi likable, and two years ago he was the personification of Randian evil (he still is, but somehow thats not the worst thing a republican can be right now)

I dont hate Rick Perry because he came up to Canada and told our then PM Stephen Harper to take it easy with the minimum sentencing and mass incarceration.

If you really think about it, the loops are the belts wife.

Tom Wolfe?

Look at the youtube comments on any video featuring a black person and the question is no longer "how are people voting for this racist buffoon?" it is "how are people not voting for an even more racist buffoon?"

And Canadian English is an attempt to undo the mess the yanks made of the language, i mean seriously, what the fuck is a "Color?" is it two thirds of a calorie or something?

Only if you try to make your sim have sex with his daughter (I tried this, apparently incest is not an option the devs were comfortable having in their game)

I liked how you can name geographic features in that one, a little detail i want them to bring back.