
I think hes what Bojack would have been like with a loving family and a short attention span that doesnt lend itself to dwelling, hes jaded internally, but he has good coping mechanisms.

Amen, it makes me really sad what women have to go through, and most of it is caused by male insecurity.

I share that feeling that the Khans were being tokenized a bit, but i think they understood that, the same as the mothers of prominent police shooting victims, thats the deal they are making with the dems to have their voices heard.

I hear she has acute one.

feels like diversity in real life, i lived in windsor for a bit and that place has a preponderance of women in hijabs and foreign languages being spoken, but even to someone raised in small towns it barely registers after a couple days.

if i recall correctly when their ethnicity was brought up by Diane, one of her brothers simply growled "American"

Probably something they should discuss with a therapist.

I know that feeling, re-watching Knights of Sidonia and i feel like im a little to old for even that.


or maybe they take a gill viagra kind of drug.

But i was told i shouldnt lure ladies with money on sharp tungsten hooks.

I think it was a comment on how much sexuality kids are exposed to through the media using it to sell stuff.

Macaque Maron?

^The damage 24 has done to the public psyche can never be overstated.

In my province of Ontario we re-elected a 15 year standing, corrupt and entitled Liberal government because we were scared sh—tless of what a conservative government would mean for us.

After the Anthony Anderson interview where they talked about how he got the show i had a new respect for him.

You mean Jesse's mouth as a captive bolt stunner.

Religious taboos perhaps

Except now its mostly Filipinos rather than east africans

Even steaks?