No… duh.
No… duh.
Yes, if only Spielberg had directed more films like Pitch Perfect 2 then all would be right in Hollywood (and by extension, the world). Perhaps Spielberg could direct Pitch Perfect 3. Maybe someone whose success is primarily as a character actress could take the lead, eh Banks?
Nothing like a little tabloid like speculation:
"It’s also not clear whether this decision was made recently enough that he might have had an ulterior motive for keeping the phrase “Johnny Depp fights a woman” out of the day’s entertainment reporting."
There, there poor man's version of Louis C.K.. There, there, you poor thing.
Yes John H, when I said the days, I meant the hundreds of years. Oh the humanity!
Fair enough, Swaggy Three.
Agreed. But if they get better (who is the arbiter of improvement in politics?) and you keep rubbing their noses in it, then it's a mean-spirited. At least, I think so.
Sometime before the Y2K.
Listen up, swaggy: mean-spirited is not making the three point shot and then making you watch it over and over and never letting you live it down, ever. This patriothole thing is something like that.
Good for you, tough guy!
In my day, this 'relentless' approach was considered extraordinarily petulant but it is now fairly standard so I can understand why you think there is nothing mean-spirited. By all means let us continue to verbally assault these "goddammed stupid fucking morons". It might work wonders, I suppose, as for me, I'll…
This might make me a fuddy duddy (as if using that phrase weren't enough) but I miss the days when jokes weren't mean spirited.
Looks a million times better than The Big Bang… unfortunately, The Big Bang is universally and likely infinitely worse than, well, everything. [this has been your hyperbolic serving for the day]
You call that lambasting? How do you survive the internet with your delicate sensibilities? Not MRA. Disappointed?
Noice. Surprising too. :)
No problem. Wait a second… use of all caps… multiple exclamation points… overreaction to innocent observation… obvious straw men arguments. Why, you're being insincere. For shame.
Man, AV Club, you're so good at your shtick you've gotten over 90 comments on a non-story. Bravo. Bravo.
If looks are deceiving this trailer is the greatest liar ever…
Seriously, this looks almost profoundly awful.
"E.T. by way of Nicholas Sparks."
"Wide-eyed emo starchild"
"Quivering lumps of gawky adolescent sensitivity."
"A grown-up romancing a barely pubescent android."
I cried reading this. I'm not being facetious or insincere. I cried here, just as I did in La La Land, because of the reasons Gwen and Caity cried: I remembered important people, living and dead, that are now gone and absent and that meant oh so very much. Thank you, A.V. Club. :_)