Before Burner: The prequel to Burner

Calvin Ellis, Superman of Earth-23 and head of the multiversal team Justice Incarnate:

For Christ sake’s how many think pieces are we going to get about how the new Star Wars film is divisive....and that’s OKAY?

Noted. And no, I haven’t forgotten that your sister almost died because of Republican policies. That doesn’t grant you a pass on acting like a third-rate Susan Sarandon; if anything it gives you less excuse than most people.

It’s not a matter of entitlement. It is a matter of voting Republicans out because they are clearly evil in everything they say and do, and AFTER THAT we reassess the Democrats, and improve them where necessary.

As a white Alabama woman, I can tell you that for white people, but especially white women, it all came down to abortion. I tried to use every logical and illogical argument you can think of, even ones I personally disagreed with (“senators can’t do anything about abortions”, “thou shalt not murder (aka abortion)

They aren’t trying because they’re too busy taking checks from the same people feeding money to Team Red. As long as money equals speech we are well and truly fucked. Perhaps Mother Nature will do us all a favor and hit the reset button.

These people have been slime for decades, and thus far no tactic has persuaded them to become better people. That’s why I’m perpetually furious at white Lefties who A) don’t vote on Election Day to keep them from winning, and who B) act like they are poor put-upon lambs whose very special needs we are not paying

I wish I could believe that it was just uneducated/older/evangelical white women. But it isn’t. I’ve butted heads with enough of them up north here to begin to realize that it is also educated/younger/affluent white women. hich sucks majorly.

It’s little comfort still, considering the majority of White people are White evangelicals.

I hope those fuckers go the way of the dinosaurs soon. How in the fuck can you reconcile with sexual assault and BLATANT slavery apologism. HOW?!?!?! There is no excuse, those people are garbage.

I’ll be honest. After all the scandals and the declarations and even the comments about repealing the amendments after the 10th, even speaking fondly of the times of slavery, I’d never though he’d get so many votes from White people.

Look at this shit. This is disgusting on many levels. These people are terminal

Honestly, white folks just need to be people, and to recognize that others are as well. The only way you can justify voting R at this point is by believing, deep down, that women, non-white folks, LGBT folks and other minorities are not actually as “human” as you are.

I wish you were wrong, but my upbringing showed me this to be true. That’s why when all those dumb “think pieces” in November got me mad because I was like “I know these people. If you tell them that what they are doing is harming the world and themselves, they’ll just shrug because Jesus is coming back and he’ll come

Ugh. Good win, depressing trends.

This is the terrifying truth! There is an actual component of the GOP base that sees their political goal as bringing on the end of times so Jesus can return for them. This is an actual reason some people are for the recent declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Prophecy... There is no reasoning with that

Nope. Unfortunately, White people are still considered to be the major power players in the world, as such, black people (as well as most other minorities) have an almost symbiotic relationship with them in regards to how they govern...and live...and think....etc.

It’s the rapture. That’s why they want to die. They’re convinced that Jesus is coming back for them (and only them) and will save them from this horrible world where a black man can be president, where you can actually lose your job for sexually assaulting women, and where you can’t put a “no homo’s” sign on the door

So disappointed and unsurprised with the white turnout.

80% of white evangelicals went for Moore; 76% of everyone else went for Jones.

I’m happy as hell right now. My people showed up and showed out in my backwards ass state. Fuck all them Moore\Trump voters. Lock Trump ass up, pronto!!!! Be a bad hombre🤣

Very disappointing that that many White Women voted Moore. Although after Trump’s win, I’m not surprised. :/