Before Burner: The prequel to Burner


“It’s okay though, cuz we got Step N Fetchit Jones to yell and scream for us.”

But why? Richards didn’t write Seinfeld scripts and Kramer’s lines, so there’s very little of himself in the work.

Yep, you should have listened, but XIII is at least a graphically high-end experience. XIII-2 is actually a lot more fun with more freedom to move about different maps and monster collecting, but you’re just gonna have to take my word for it.

I doubt they have any pictures/footage from the DLC that’s just today been announced. The gold filter on the screenshot comes from HR; MD’s ambiance is difference.

She’s getting paid to fill a niche. White people want to love her because she doesn’t challenge any of their preconceptions. I just hope we get a new replacement “token black” before long, because Leslie certainly isn’t going to learn any talent any time soon.

Yep, I’ve noticed that quite a few celebrities are given a double standard when it comes to bigotry. The media (and the masses who follow it) prop these people up like progressive icons and ignore everything in their history, and then they wonder where the confusion comes from when the progressive ideals become

Megyn contributed to Trump being where he is today. She could have spoken up when there was time to make a difference, so I don’t give her any credit for speaking up now. Fuck her and everyone else who toed the company line that supported this clown.

What? No.

lol, And this is definitely not the best place to get positive feedback...

They should have stuck closer to the original Suicide Squad, and had the rivalry between Bronze Tiger and Colonel Flagg as the centerpiece. Harley, Joker, and Batman should never have been included.

Suicide Squad is the original Secret Six.

Your mate was wrong. Snyder’s changes completely missed the point of the book. If he had actually been MORE faithful to the tone and the actual ending, then you could give him credit for at least trying to bring the comic to life. As it is, he turned a dark satire into a cartoon.

The Force Awakens is a bad example, because there’s a great case to be made that it’s a genuine piece of shit.

Not even you believe that dumb shit.

I was super excited and ready to whip out my wallet, but that pricepoint stopped me dead. Definitely expecting something in the $30-40 range.

The reporter can’t pay attention, do his job, and keep a fucking video game out of the State Department’s face, but KIRBY’S the giant asshole? You and Pokeboy need to reprioratize.

“Offended? You offended? Trigger word? Cuck? Libtard? SJW?”

I find this to be very good news, because she certainly won’t win over anyone who’s not already an asshole. At least he didn’t rope in someone respectable.

I wish you guys who worship Dwayne would go back and rewatch a lot of his stuff, through a modern filter. Rocky dressed down and damn-near raped every woman he spoke to. He was a pig, and that’s why the fans loved him.