Before Burner: The prequel to Burner

Those of us who care about the basic rights of others are not required to tolerate intolerance. Defend bigots and hateful people at your own peril.

Blog it out, girlfriend! This is all about YOU!

ANY discussion of race AT ALL is considered “race baiting” to you selfish dullards. We already know that people like you want to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist, and that is PRECISELY the problem. If you don’t want to hear it, fuck off to your own safe space, like Breitbart or Red State.

How old was Trayvon Martin? How old was Tamir Rice?

I prefer “Even a broken cock is right twice a day.”

It’s probably as tired of saying her bullshit as we are of hearing it.

And of course she gets a mouth disease. I think the universe is trying to send her a message...

You’ve destroyed that clown! Well done!