I really like donuts

I’m lost in your attempt at....comparison.

I think we should collect a list of questions with which to help the ethnographic researcher, whomever he or she may be!!

Thank you so much for this. When I was on the Skyla (mini-Mirena) I was a terrorist. I look forward to this non-hormonal option. What you describe really doesn’t seem unmanageable.

oh. my. god.

Thank you - I will take all the real talk I can get!!

Can someone, pretty please, conduct a study about the women who buy hook line and sinker into these marketing schemes that eventually become a Thing(tm)You(tm)Have(tm)To(tm)Have(tm)For(tm)Your(tm)SpecialDayofSnowflakery(tm)?

This might be the lamest thing I’ve yet to see about the wedding industrial complex.

Thanks for this - did your periods get better with time?

omg thank you for this. I had Skyla for 6 months, and it turned me into a homicidal maniac.

can I ask which one you had? I’m getting the paragard in a few days and I’m a little bit nervous.

Can I ask which one you had? I’m getting the paragard in a few days and I’m a little bit nervous.

Exactly - the whole “bragging rights” thing associated with gun ownership is really problematic for me.

Exactly - there seems to be a real “Super-Mommy” complex, here, that I think needs much more discussion. It seems like an illness that requires significant therapy.

ha. apartment = department

It depends on how desperate her need to feel like a super-special, important heroine. I honestly have a theory that some (many?) of these women are so depleted in the self-esteem apartment that this entire issue is more about feeling valuable and important than it is anything else.

I’m not confident their minds would change in the least. That would just be more of an excuse to allow children to attend school with guns.

This is probably going to seem wildly offensive to some (don’t care), but I have to wonder what this behavior/decision-making is a symptom of.