SO WEIRD: Disembodied Kotaku Voice sounds just like me!!
SO WEIRD: Disembodied Kotaku Voice sounds just like me!!
I was going to say, you should be able to redo the bathroom for 10 grand.
Sorry, no. Author’s create entire worlds in their minds, characters included. They then create stories within those worlds. Capturing those worlds and stories in text is only a small part of what an author does. It is perhaps the most difficult part of an author’s job, to concisely and clearly convey those worlds…
This I vehemently disagree with. Characters belong to their creators. People want to say “oh I love to read because it lets me imagine and interpret” and that’s fine to some significant degree but you can’t just ignore what you’re told by the creator. This is now the reality of this character. If a character is killed…
Actually, you do have to read it if the character is of importance to you. This situation is an impossibly important and apt reflection of issues facing society today. It is ok to be racist. It’s not preferable, it’s not what we should teach children, it’s not what we should strive for as a society, but it’s ok. We’re…
Those balloons always make me wonder how none of the other guards see people flying up into the sky. I know they have those little vision cones, but no one fucking looks UP at the bodies flying in the wind? It just seems like a cop out to making body hiding not be necessary.
My collective boner would turn the earth of its axis.
Taking my therapist’s advice to be more forthright about personal shortcomings, I feel compelled to admit that my immediate reaction to this story was “Do humans even have 10 ribs?” and my second, significantly delayed reaction was “Probably.”
The fourth flip is also the hardest part for me when making a grilled cheese. By then I just really want to eat it.
WWaiWait, what?WaitWaiWaitWaitWWaWa
I'm actually really impressed with both of them. They look way better than I ever imagined a live-action Warcraft movie would look like.