
A bit cliche but definitely the Aurora in Skyrim. I found this to be really beautiful.

So does this mean no 3.1 update? That's all I want Logitech.

Definitely wanting this.

They update the engine for every new generation of consoles. So while this will be an improvement on the engine, it won't be a new engine.

I think it's a great idea. In many countries in Europe this is common practice and I think it makes it much simpler for people. I know that when I went to Bulgaria it was much easier carrying the 1 lev coins than carrying a stack of bills.

"the device displays a leaf when your actually saving energy"

Weavile is a pokemon

Can you ask it to open the pod bay doors?

Bring on the Apple lawsuits.

I doubt Siri is hardware based, that makes no sense to me, especially if apple's reasoning for the fact that it won't work on other phones is because it uses too much RAM. Siri is definitely a software add-on and much like mutitasking wasn't available to the iPhone 3G without a jailbreak, Siri can probably be unlocked

probably not unless you jailbreak

Translation: We don't make as much money on the PC so we don't care.

AK-47;the very best there is. When you absolutely, positively, got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.

yeah I just got that now

I'm using it now and it's pretty nice but it feels like it's missing some key features and it's a bit buggy and slow. That's expected of course but the interface itself also doesn't feel very intuitive and I have to go through a lot of hoops and jumps just to get to say my resolution controls or my personal files.

The instructables is only for the original "1.0" version of these shoes. I'd rather have the new one shown in this video.

The only threatening spec there is the 25GB. Other than that, everything looks pretty previous gen, even the required settings.

This is so amazing. If I had the xbox 360 S I'd definitely make this

Actually I have a feeling they took it from the YouTube comments. A particular YouTuber was worried that this mod would be scarier than Amnesia and the developer assured him that the mod is "a Lovecraftian mystery"