
But where's "Meet The Pyro?"

It doesn't even have to be that complicated. It can just be a small circular or rectangular icon near the bottom of your HUD with a repair symbol to indicate someone is repairing your vehicle. Like the one I posted.

That's a good idea, a lot of players seemed to just run away when I tried to repair them. In addition, maybe there should be a little dialogue telling a player that someone is fixing their vehicle so they know to stop and wait.

It still is if you play the right games (TF2). I have yet to buy a map pack for any game. I refuse to buy map packs because things like that should come free to the consumer.

I never a trust a sport's game trailer. I'm going to wait until there's some new unedited gameplay videos to make a judgement.

I thought it was ctrl+w to close an application.

That's correct. I rarely buy games anymore because I just can't afford to spend $180 on 3 games that I might play. The only games I buy anymore are ones I intend to play online. And the only game I buy annually is FIFA. It's just too expensive nowadays.

Arsenal though ♥

Oh no...getting up from your chair to do stuff.


Why not just disconnect the keyboard from the computer

I get "The use of this app is restricted." :(

I just refresh the page, happens to me with videos too.

those supermarine shoes look kinda good, however at $260 I'm okay with wetting my Nikes a bit

I saw it and I came to Giz right away to see if you guys had posted it.

this looks amazing, i really wanna buy it but unfortunately i'm extremely short on money so I probably won't

#1 looks awesome, I'd buy it. Anyone know what it is exactly? All I can figure out is that it's from NZXT.

the "Neo-Paris" sounds a bit like the Paris from that Valve game "The Crossing"

I love FIFA so much. I have so many games and I never play them because I'm too busy playing FIFA 11. It's such an amazing game. Easily the best sports game series of all time. I'm excited for FIFA 12 and will definitely be buying it.

Usually for my soccer team we would do our jogging usually a mile or two (4 - 8 laps around the field) and then turn in to stretch. By then the muscles are warmed up and are relaxed and stretching feels a lot better