
Is that why Gawker's new interface is a bunch of squares and rectangles?

Looks a bit like David Beckham

I like how this game is sounding. I especially like how they are trying to introduce players to weapons other than the M4, AK, AWP, and Deagle. Usually a regular match consisted of you trying to get kills so you can get enough money to buy one of those weapons. Hopefully they balance it in a way that in some maps and

"we can't see it in real time"

We all know that Valve can't count to 3. These guys need to just drop it and go home. It's a lost cause.

Yeah that's what I finally did. Why can't I find it from the app store though? That's weird.

I can't find this in the app store anywhere :/

"scientists have to chopping out"

Ah the wonders of a jailbroken iPhone with BiteSMS.

Well I was wondering if I should buy FIFA 12 or BF3 and save up for the other. Now I think I know what I'm getting.

or you can just read the article and see that they say the iphone is fake and that they made this image in photoshop in 10 minutes

The outro for the video made me think that the bomb went off. I was reading the article while the video was still playing so I heard the sound of the outro and it sounded like an explosion.

Yeah true, I don't know why Apple would pick such a horrid design for the iPhone 5 if that is the real design. It looks terrible, especially after how nice the iPhone 4 looked. It's like the bastard child of the 3GS and the iPhone 4. Each one had a nice looking design but if you try and mix both designs together it

My friend just got wideband from Earthlink and his internet is great at times but Earthlink is run by Time Warner and Time Warner is just terrible. Last night my speeds were throttled so bad I couldn't even use the internet.

cure all diseases ?

Well if it's a clone, I'm hoping that the screen is smaller because it is a clone and the real thing might have a larger screen.

Will it have the same functionality as the Google TV 2.0 ?

I was actually looking through the Flickr and saw this and I used the icons, the taskbar icon placement, and the background

A lot of people who just use computers for the internet prefer laptops. They're smaller, easier to carry, and lighter. Usually I tell those people to get netbooks though since they're cheaper than a regular laptop.

Building your own PC is so much easier than many people think it is. If you get all the parts that match up together (and it's extremely easy to find out what you need by just picking out a motherboard) then everything literally just fits in place hardware-wise.