
Yeah, I've read it. I just don't have a problem with it. I take advantage of each and every single deduction I can that is legal. If I had more ways I could get around it, I would. It's why the "soak-the-rich for every dime to "increase revenue" strategy won't work. Rich people have the means to move their money where

Yeah, I really miss the keyboard on my old 12" Powerbook. The key action, quality of the materials was better in every way to these chicklet-style keyboards everyone's using now.

Maybe Apple wouldn't go crazy patenting every little thing if other companies didn't keep doing things like this:

They already paid taxes on it. In the countries where the money was actually made.

I can get behind a movement that says because we disagree with him making FB so open by default, we should boycott the use of FB. That makes sense.

Not really. Apple doesn't like the way Google hoards (and uses to track people) all the info they get off of people and their map searches and directions, etc.

And that clever explanation about the black holes wasn't even created by anyone associated with the films. It came out of one of the authorized book sequels.

Better solution: Just have sex before dinner. Makes the food and wine taste much better.

We use several minis as print spooling servers in my office and they work just fine. The office is only about 35 people or so. But, they will work in a pinch. Especially with a lot of the printing rip/queue management server software that is so old and not often updated. We actually tried running some of these on a

Americans are tall.

"PTSD did not exists back then."

For some. It is usually called a heat pump.

Or a multiple button mouse.

The new Apple keyboards use USB 2 in them. Very convenient for things you don't connect very often.

Well, if you try and use it for the purpose of asking someone to get over so you can pass them, they also get pissed off for that.

Based on her injuries, she will probably never have a normal life again. She probably has permanent brain function loss to one degree or another.

Remember that often the lawyers will take a big risk by only taking a fee if they win.

I doubt they are providing the shows at "no cost."

I wouldn't mind that so much if it was a replacement for some of the actual commercials, rather than in addition to the regular spots.

Always get the Boxster after year 2005.