My wife has a C30 and I have a GTI, so I get to drive both a lot. You can't really compare them and then say that the Volvo is not worth the money because the GTI is a much different type of car.
My wife has a C30 and I have a GTI, so I get to drive both a lot. You can't really compare them and then say that the Volvo is not worth the money because the GTI is a much different type of car.
And, of course, no one did fact check him. Not one single network that "reported" the story.
I am really at a loss to understand the argument against showing photo ID to vote. I keep hearing how it is discriminatory. I really don't get it.
I always wondered if that was milk or something since I always heard that milk photographs blue. Which is why they typically used Elmer's glue and water mixed when photographing milk for commercials.
Actually it was about what the government is or is not going to mandate to be in everyone's private insurance policy.
Once the legal issues are decided, I will pray that they expand this service to other cities.
Physical alteration is probably easier.
That would sort of be like a printer claiming ownership of the content of the books.
No matter how you want to put it, I don't think it should be the job of the federal government to feed people. At all. Ever.
This is an indoor antenna that requires power so it may not be the best type to do what you're talking about.
Well, maybe if the bundles are smaller, or less stupid...
I can't see this doing anything with regular DVDs, given how easy it is to rip yourself.
I don't know. I actually hope this catches on with other publishing content.
Great. Now if I can just get Chase bank to study these findings and stop sending me credit card applications in the snail mail three times a week.
Regardless of cost, I still think she should be called out for whining and insisting that someone else pay for it. I don't care how much it costs, we are all responsible for ourselves. At least we should be.
Not that I think it should or should not be covered, but I think the point of all of this is that none of these should be mandated to be covered. If you want to buy an insurance policy that covers tattoos and piercings, I think you should be allowed to go out and do just that. And the premiums you pay would be between…
I agree with your general sentiment, but I think all the file sharing that is going on (and the arguments around it) are doing more harm than good for the cause of getting the content available on a wider variety of media and outlets.
It wasn't really featured, but during the Engadget liveblog, they mentioned that there were some multitouch gestures you could perform in the bezel during the iPhoto demo.
They're really not going for the same market or demographic though.